Camp Quest (Entering grades 7-9): A camp program that keeps the young teen entertained and happy! Your child’s input and interests are placed right into the camp curriculum-no more boredom. Participants enjoy extensive trips, special guests, arts and crafts, intramural sports, a summer color competition and anything else they can think of! Quest is the answer parents of 7th-9th graders have been searching for. *Times vary due to trip schedule.
Ultimate Camp Quest (Entering grades 7-9): Working parents of Quest campers can now have peace of mind too! Participants get all the benefits of the regular Quest program with earlier drop off, later pickups and FRIDAYS! Daily trips to the pool, special Friday events and all trips included!
CIT & Quest (entering 9th and 10th grade): Has your child always wanted to work with kids? Interested 9th and 10th graders (in September 2025) apply today, and if selected, your child will learn everything there is to know about being an effective and enthusiastic camp counselor! CIT’s will be assigned to a camp and on Mondays will engage in team building and training. On Fridays, CITS will be assigned weekly tasks to complete with the campers while being mentored by senior counselors and group leaders- at one of our camps. (Tuesdays-Thursdays will be spent playing games and going on trips with Quest). Based on their performance, at the end of the summer the CIT with the highest points is HIRED and guaranteed a position in our camp program the following summer! Application will be available on our home page on December 15th.
NO CAMP 7/4, CLOSING AT 3:00 PM ON 7/3.
Location: Welch Elementary School
**Dates and school locations pending Council Rock School District Approval**
Camp Registration will open to Residents of Northampton Township on Saturday, January 4, 2025 at 12:01am. Camp Registration will open to Non-Residents on March 1, 2025.
To avoid late fees, full payment must be made by June 10. Campers will not be admitted to camp with a balance.
*Swim after Quest is included in the Ultimate Quest fee and is guaranteed for all who register for the 9 AM – 2 PM option at an additional fee and will be listed in the Spring/Summer Brochure.*
General Information
- Camp Registration is ONGOING
- In order to register online, your family must be registered as a “household”. To do so click on “Create New Account” on the top left-hand corner of the homepage and follow the prompts to open a new household. Make sure the children you wish to register are entered as “household members.”
- Registrations are accepted online, 24 hours/day, in person at the Township Administration Building (8:30 AM – 4:30 PM-Monday thru Friday) or at the Recreation Center (8:30 AM – 8:00 PM-Monday thru Friday…Saturday & Sunday hours vary due to the program schedule.
- A $300 deposit is required at the time of registration. Payment can be made in full, or you can pay into your balance as frequently as you wish.
- Registration is accepted for 7 weeks only, whether or not you attend the full 7 weeks.
- Registration for non-residents will be accepted only if space is available.
- If the program is full and you wish to be put on the waiting list, please call 215-357-6800, ext. 245.
- If you have additional questions, please call the Recreation Center at 215-357-5396 or the Administration Office at 215-357-6800, ext. 245, Monday thru Friday, 8:30AM – 4:30 PM.
- If cancelling before March 31st, Northampton Township will return all monies received except a processing fee of $100
- If cancelling between April 1st and May 15, Northampton Township will keep $200.00 of all money paid.
- If cancelling between May 16 and May 31, Northampton Township will keep $450.00 of all money paid.
- If cancelling between June 1 and June 10, Northampton Township will keep $500.00 of all money paid.
- If cancelling after June 10th or after camp has begun, Northampton Township will keep all money paid.